Fellowship Awards

Fellowship Awards are presented to teens and young adults who demonstrate outstanding commitment to Philly Friendship Circle. We honor their dedication at an annual Fellowship Award Ceremony at the end of each programming year. 

To receive an award:

30 hours = Bronze Fellowship Award
60 hours = Silver Fellowship Award
90 hours = Gold Fellowship Award
120 hours = Platinum Fellowship Award

*Hours roll over from year to year, allowing recipients to achieve higher levels of recognition at each milestone.

**Package assembly and delivery hours count towards Fellowship hours. Please take photos and log your hours for accurate recording.

Awardees must also have participated in 2 out of 3 FC Community Events (Philly Friendship Walk, FC Art Show, Annual Gala) in some way (i.e. attending the event or volunteering at it, actively fundraising, creating material to be displayed at the event, etc.).

2024 Fellowship Awardees

Senior Legacy (Over 120 hours):

  • Ayelet Cooperberg
  • Skylar Zeaman

Junior Legacy (Over 120 hours):

  • Izzy Greenberg
  • Ilana Illfelder
  • Carolyn Kelly

Sophomore Legacy (Over 120 hours):

  • Solomon Fishman

Platinum (120 hours):

  • Noah Matunis
  • Gideon Wolf

Gold (90 Hours):

  • Talia Hurtig
  • Samantha Kopelman
  • Jayden Pappa
  • Rachel Schneider
  • Aaron Silber
  • Robbie Stutman
  • Aiden Yanoff

Silver (60 Hours):

  • Ben Berger
  • Evan Berman
  • Liya Daniel
  • Ilana Fink
  • Justin Golzman
  • Chloe Hedaya
  • Avery Meyer
  • Hadar SimonHazani
  • Alex Tapper
  • Rikki Teicher
  • Alana Ufberg
  • Charley Ufberg

Bronze (30 Hours):

  • Gavi Adelman
  • Dani Bard-Maisel
  • Chaya Baum
  • Jakob Caroline
  • Avi Cooperberg
  • Tali Erlbaum
  • Izzy Goldfuss
  • Sadie Gorberg
  • Ella Hedaya
  • Mia Hedaya
  • Dylan Kahn
  • Rebecca Lobman
  • Max Livingston
  • Zachary Markizon
  • MP Nyer
  • Menucha Schneider
  • Evan Steiner 
  • Jason Stutman
  • Izzy Sussman
  • Aaron Wolpaw